Thursday, July 7, 2011

Critter Visit

When we first moved in here,
we'd see these sandhill cranes all the time.

At first I thought it was so cool.
Then I realized that we were the reason
these beauties lost their habitat.

There are fewer in the last 6 years
since we've been here.

I just feel blessed to be able
to admire them from afar.

You can find out more
about these amazing creatures
here and here.


  1. Wow that is amazing. They say they only go where they feel safe. They are beautiful. I only see them from afar.

  2. I think they know that we don't use pesticides on our lawn. Hey, maybe they'll eat the bad bugs!

  3. We go to Nebraska every March to see the migration of these--the numbers range from 400,000 to over 600,000. The noise is deafening, and the sights unreal.
    It seems so odd to see them in a "neighborhood" like this. But I'm glad they feel safe there.

  4. Oh I just love sandhill cranes! Their calls sound almost prehistoric, don't they? Since moving out west they are the bird that I hear and see flying over that makes me realize it is fall (where I grew up it was canada geese flying over that meant fall to me). Too bad that their habitat is no longer pristine where your house is, but at least they are finding a resting spot and hopefully getting some food :)

  5. Sue-Wow! That must be amazing!

    Katy-They are a link to our past, for sure.

  6. Wow, they really are stunning. I love seeing "wildlife" outside our door. Friday night there were several owls right outside my bedroom window flying back and forth between 3 large pines and making loads of noise.

  7. Heather-I hope they didn't keep you up all night!


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