Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Snow in Central Florida!

This is about as close to snow as we'll get here.
Enjoy the blooms from yesterday's stroll.

Can you spy the little critter on this marigold?

How 'bout now?

Thanks Jean, for hosting Bloomin' Tuesday!


  1. So pretty. You have me feeling warm weather envy. It's practically winter here.

    What is the plant growing around the bird house? So pretty!

  2. Kim-It's a black-eyed susan vine. Grows easily here.

  3. Just beautiful! The only thing blooming up in these parts are the mums---and most of those have already been frozen. Sigh.

  4. Beautiful flowers. Dad had a bush of what I think is called Star Jasmine. I think that's what it is called. Anyway brings back memories.~Ames

  5. Sue-I'll try to keep you supplied with green stuff this winter.

    Ames-Yes, it is a jasmine.


  6. Wow, so pretty, Daisy! I love the little white flowers--they are so delicate!

  7. Hi Daisy, Loved your "snow." It looks like angel wing jasmine. I also grow that, but mine has to come inside over the winter. Doesn't it smell delightful?!! Enjoyed seeing your recipe for crockpot potato soup too - looks delicious and great for fall/winter weather. You inquired about my morning glories - don't use regular fertilizer as it will encourage green growth rather than flowers. Use bloom booster.

  8. Kat-Yes, they are sweet-looking.

    Beth-Thanks! This type of jasmine is actually not fragrant. Wish it was!
    Thanks for the info about the morning glories.


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