Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Native Florida Plants

Front Cover

"This colorful, photo-packed guide helps you select Florida-born plants right for you and your area-no ill-suited, high-maintenance exotics here.  You'll find complete profiles on every type of hardy native plant from seaside foliage to wildflowers and grasses, shrubs, vines, and even aquatics.  It just makes sense to use plants that already thrive in the Sunshine State."

This simply organized reference book has great pictures of native grasses, trees, vines, wildflowers, shrubs and more.  Each specimen's requirements are listed on the page, making it easy to find the right plant for the right place  (a Florida-friendly principal).  Other helpful sections are how to create a native garden, butterfly gardening and plants that do well in seaside locations.  At the end of the book is a listing of Florida native nurseries so that you can find the perfect addition to your native garden.

1 comment:

  1. If I lived in Florida, I'd use the information in that book. As it is, I had to laugh, because your plants would be called exotics here.


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