Sunday, May 29, 2011

Handy Household Hints from Heloise


"Discover Heloise's helpful ideas and tips for cleaning up, entertaining with ease, making repairs, getting organized, taking care of yourself, coping with nuisances, and keeping house.  For a wealth of up-to-the-minute hints, turn to this handbook whenever you've burnt the rice, stained your shirt, or splattered paint on your hands."

What's not to like here?  Heloise and her mother before her,
the original Heloise, have been doling out solutions to household problems for a half a century (I know, can you believe it?). 
This go-to manual is ideal to have on hand to help with all those domestic dilemmas that spring up.  Need to know how
to properly launder clothes?  It's in there. Wondering about what will work as a substitute in recipes?  Yup, that too.  Everything from cooking, cleaning, decluttering (one of my favorite parts), and home maintenance can be found in the pages of this wonderfully written no-nonsense book.  This would make a great gift for a newlywed couple or a student headed off to college or just graduating.  In fact, I can't think of a person who wouldn't benefit from having this manual in their home library. 
Heloise rates right up there with Erma Bombeck as one of my personal (s)heroes.
That's what happens when you let your light shine...


  1. Daisy,
    You are a wealth of resources. Thank you. I remember reading her mom's column in the newspaper many years ago. Always practical stuff.

  2. I just love passing on the good stuff...


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