Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Got rain?

I totally admit it. I stole this idea from another Florida gardener at:
It's just such a celebration when these 
tiny beads of nirvana called rain 
choose to bless us with their presence. 
I can't even remember the last time 
we had a good soaker. 
I notice that all of the garden's treasures 
are smiling a bit more today. 
They need rain water like we need air.
I hear tell there is more on the way.
I'm grateful for every drop.



  1. Yes--wasn't the rain wonderful. We got a nice soaking over here on the coast. It's been a long dry stretch. But of course with the rain come the humidity. Oh well...

  2. I agree Megan. As usual, I go against the grain when it comes to rain. I know people get depressed when it rains all the time, but I actually do feel better when we get a regular dose of it! Go figure!


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