Monday, November 29, 2010


I don't know about you, but I always make resolutions for the coming year. One of the best decisions we ever made as a family is to apply to the Adopt-a-Road program. Not only are we spending time together as a family doing something really meaningful, we are helping to preserve and enhance our community. It really takes very little time, and if every family participated in this worthwhile endeavor, our roadways would be much improved.

Keep Polk County Beautiful Program
Volunteers “adopt” a 1-mile section of a county road
and remove litter at least four times a year.
All materials are provided.
For more information, call (863) 533-8423
Be part of the solution!


  1. Great resolution, Daisy! Glad you are doing your part to keep Polk beautiful! It really irks me when people throw trash on the roadways.

  2. I can't imagine why people think that's okay!


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts!