Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday Tidings

While awaiting my hairdresser's next available appointment,
I strolled into this funky lil' shop in the same building.
Lookee what I found!

Not only did I scoop up this number,
but I found a whole shelf with aprons galore!
I'm not sure why I have this new fascination with them.
Something about them just feels so right to me.

It must be the practicality.
There's a true sense of purpose when I wear one
and think about the generations of women
who came before me,
donning their domestic garb.

My mom was the original Martha.
That woman could cook, clean and sew
like nobody's business.
She and my grandmother had a laundry in Paris
and they were independent business women
from the time Mom was young.
They always wore an apron to do their work.
How I wish I had some of those family heirlooms now.

I'll be back to that lil' funky place,
maybe even do a feature on it.
Don't you just love finding treasures in your own home town?


  1. I've still not started wearing aprons-yet spend a good portion of my time cursing myself for getting flour all over my clothes while making rolls/bread....or needing an extra "pocket" while doing some chore.
    Love the cheery sunflower pattern!

  2. Sue-I do the same thing when I make pizza dough or bread! I can't wait to go back for another one!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I LOVE aprons. And once you put one on, it seems you actually get more done. It has special powers for me ;) Boy a whole shelf, that would have been hard to come home with just one.

  4. I love aprons too! I have so many aprons! I have vintage aprons that I've picked up here and there - thrift stores, a friend's elderly mother, etc. And I have novelty aprons my mom and sister have sewn for me for different holidays. And I have mass produced theme aprons people have given me as gifts.

    I love them all.

    I secretly want an apron-shirt like my Granny used to wear that I think she made out of old shirts, like what you see Jessica Tandy wear in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, but it feels like something an old lady would wear, and I think I'll wait on that for a couple of years.

  5. That is so cool that your grandma and mom were business women. So cool! And I'm a big fan of aprons, too. I pretty much only wear one, but I love to pick them up when I see them.

  6. Jane-I know just what you mean-it gets you in the right frame of mind. I'll be going back soon for another...

    karenish-I'd love to see your vintage collection! Fried Green Tomatoes is one of my all-time favorites!

    Kim-Yeah, it's quite a story. Once your a momma, you'll find aprons come in mighty handy!


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