Friday, November 8, 2013

Pot Pie Shells

Pot pie is one of those comfort foods like no other.
Especially as the days get cooler,
it's a wonderful  dish to enjoy.
Here's a version we appreciated this week.

Diced onion and carrots were sauteed until soft..
Diced potatoes were cooked and frozen peas were simply placed in a bowl.

A simple roux was made with butter, flour and adding vegetable broth made a vegetarian gravy.
The spices added were easy, just salt and poultry seasoning.

The boys eat chicken, so I added some diced chicken to their mixture.
Mine contained tuna.

 There aren't many ready-made products I use in my cooking.
This is one exception that I treat us to once in a while.
Since I didn't really feel like making pastry crust,
I cheated and used these shells.
Mimi (my mom) used to use these all the time when we were growing up.

It turned out the shells were way too small to hold much,
so we just added a little extra to the plate.
It hit the spot just fine.

Whatcha making for supper this weekend?

monday's homestead barn hop


  1. Boy, did that bring back memories--we used to eat those pastry shells when I was a kid. I forgot all about those--they used to be pretty good. I'd love to find a recipe to make those homemade.

    1. Puffed pastry seems way too time consuming to me, so I know I'll never attempt it. These are so tasty.

  2. I've been on a huge pot pie kick lately! My first batch I used puff pastry like you did here, and last weekend I made some with biscuits on the top. Love it!

  3. These look great! I never would have thought to put tuna it them.

    1. I don't eat meat, so fish is usually my substitute. Works great! ;0)

  4. That's a great idea, using the puff pastry shells. Sometimes you need a little shortcut.

  5. Looks amazing!!!!!!!! LOVE pot pie in the fall and winter. :)


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