Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Homemade Living Series

Today, Staci and I are sharing 
some of our thoughts about 
Homemade Living.

Knitting is one of those skills that can be so useful.
It's been on my "want-to-learn" list for a while now.

 My friend KK is teaching me the basics.
Let's just say I'm a slow learner,
'cause I'm not picking it up as quickly as I'd like.
I am learning to knit with needles,
but she taught me a shortcut that got me started turning out a finished product.

She showed me how to make these hats for newborns.
It's something that is relaxing to do when you're watching tv
 listening to the radio, or just chatting with friends.

Originally, she had picked me up a plastic loom at a crafts store.
I broke it.
Instead of just buying another one,
I chose to support someone who makes them by hand.
I found Cindy Clyde and placed an order.
The set came with a loom for both hats and booties
as well as the hook and an instruction booklet.
You can find a selection of her products here.

Not only do I feel good about making hats for new moms and dads to dress their sweet ones,
I've helped to support a small business which believes in making quality products.
It's a win-win.

When I get 30 or so hats made,
they will be donated to the local hospital.
I'll get valuable practice, so the hats will keep improving
and some babies will have toasty heads this fall and winter.

I feel blessed to be able to create something with my hands and a little time
while gaining a skill that will last a lifetime
and that I can pass on to others.

Come back next Wednesday for posts from



  1. Knitting has always been on my "to do" list also! I know the basic stitch - how to knit and purl - but I need to learn how to follow a pattern and how to add to and shorten rows and such. But, even though I can't follow a pattern (yet) I have made several beautiful scarves! Perhaps this winter I will find someone to teach me - thanks for the inspiration.

    1. I wish you well on your endeavor. Sometimes craft store personnel know locals who teach these skills. Have fun!

  2. Hooray - you're a knitter!! :) My mother-in-law used to knit hats and booties for hospitals and shelters too. Such a wonderful thing to do. I just love that you found someone who makes the loom. That's just fantastic.

  3. How neat! I've always wanted to knit but tried crocheting and I couldn't get the hang of it, so figured knitting would be similar. But your method looks pretty cool and relatively simple, so I'll have to give it a try. I love that you are donating the hats - so sweet!

    1. Maybe you could try a pre-made loom to get you started. Enjoy!

  4. What a wonderful idea to donate them! My husband's grandmother donated hundreds and hundreds of baby hats to the local hospital before she passed. It still gets me a little choked up to think about all the little babies who wore her creations. She always had needles in her hands.

  5. I would say to give it a go. I love that your son has already started finger knitting. It takes time and patience, so I applaud his resolve!

  6. It's always awesome when you try a new craft, after the learning curve you're good to go.. I started out knitting wayyyyyyyyy back in the day, and now I am an avid crochet. For me, 1 hook easier then 2 needles, I just couldn't master it, there is something for everybody...just find what you love and do it.

    1. Yeah, it's gettin' over that hump, but it's worth the effort. Glad you found what works for you.

  7. I've always wanted to be able to knit, not learn to knit, just knit. It's on my someday list. Donating your projects is a great idea!

    1. I hear you on that. But it all starts with that first step!

  8. My friend bought me a class to learn to knit and I loved it but I only make scarves and blankets because flat is my only end product. I have never tried a loom and I don't know if I would know where to start but it looks interesting...and turns out really great hats. I also now feel like a horrible person for not doing more but super excited about your hat making. Maybe if I get a loom, I will be able to do the same! I need to pick back up the knitting now that my little one is not so little anymore and I have a little more freedom while watching tv. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I highly encourage you to pick it back up. You will be able to teach your little one too! It's very relaxing and I am always needing to do something with my hands. I have a very hard time just sitting and watching tv these days! ;0)

  9. Those looms make knitting look so easy...thanks for sharing I am going to try them!

    1. It is easy! I need to get back into it, I've been taking a break. Enjoy!


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