Friday, September 26, 2014

Quick tips for showing your house

Yesterday we talked about how we're working toward
moving to North Carolina so that we can s-p-r-e-a-d out a little.
Today I wanted to share how we get our home "show ready".
The idea is to make your home welcoming
so that prospective buyers want to live there.

In the entry, run the vacuum or damp mop.
Fluff rugs in the quick setting on the dryer before replacing them.
Add fresh flowers (preferably from your own garden), 
or a small seasonal display on a tray or table.
The idea is to have something pleasing to the eye as soon as buyers enter your home.

In the bathroom, make sure to rinse tubs and showers.
Wipe down toilets, sinks and fixtures and then dry sinks and fixtures.
Clean mirrors and empty the garbage bag.

In the kitchen, clear countertops as much as possible.
Make sure all surfaces and appliances are wiped down. 
Place a cup of water with a few drops of dish soap in the microwave and cook for 2 1/2 minutes.  
Adding a drop or two of essential oils in the water too, can add a nice fragrance to the room.
Be sure to change the garbage bag or place it in the garage.

Even if a home is bright and airy,
it's a good idea to turn at least one light on in every room.
Blinds are opened so that the garden can be seen.

Clear shelves of everything except a few trinkets.
It seems silly to have a bookshelf without books,
but we figured,  
we are moving
so we might as well pack up what's not being used.
We place a notebook with all of the appliance manuals that stay with the house 
(A/C unit, water heater, stove, etc.)
 next to a glass container for realtors' cards.
This helps folks know that we maintain our appliances 
and that they'll have the necessary information should they need it.

It's a bit of work when your house is on the market.
But in the end, when you end up where you really want to be,
it's all worth it.


 For more ideas about staging your home,
check out Leslie's blog,
Goodbye House, Hello Home!



  1. I sure hope you continue to blog after you move. I can just imagine ~ North Carolina . . . I have family in the mountains of Burnsville. Such a beautiful place to live.

    1. I plan to keep on bloggin', as much as possible, anyway. We are looking forward to it. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Daisy, I probably will never have to stage my house but never say never. Right? I've lived here in my house for 30 years and don't plan on leaving it until I can't maintain it on my own. Hopefully, that won't be for a long time to come. It is always a bit humorous to me to think that I would make my house perfect to sell it. Why wouldn't I want to do that for myself so I could live in a perfect house and not have to move? Well, in your case, a different part of the country is the destination and I have moved in the past because of that reason. If I moved it would not be to leave the town I live in so there's really no point to do that.

    Have a great house staging day. May it sell quickly.

    1. So glad you have found the home that works for you. Nothing like being home...

  3. Sounds like you are getting really close to living your dream. Hope you have a successful showing soon!

    1. Thank you Sue. It's so good to see you here. Hope all is well with you and that you'll soon check in with me.
      We're workin' the dream until the dream starts workin'!

  4. So very true. I remember my parents trying to sell their home and they left everything out - collections and all. The real estate agent had to ask them to box things up because people touring the home only remembered what they liked/didn't like regarding the "stuff" and not the actual house and rooms. :) Plus, packing puts the good vibes out there that you're ready to move!!

    1. That's exactly what we were thinking-no harm in helping the Universe along!


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