Friday, October 23, 2020

Garden Friday

Welcome to Garden Friday!
The weather continues to WOW us
and make our chores so much easier to tackle.
The constant blossoms from our zinnias are being enjoyed indoors
and shared with neighbors as well.

One of the main tasks completed this week
was burying all of the hose underneath the soil
after completing the drip irrigation installation.
Thankfully, within an hour I had all of it dug and covered.

We will most likely sow more white Dutch clover over these areas,
so that the chooks stop digging it all back up!
It will also provide forage for pollinators and rabbits.

The garlic is in, folks!
Pretty much my favorite crop to grow,
it has become a yearly tradition that I cherish.
Forty cloves from last year's crop were planted.
Now we wait and watch Mother Nature do her magic.

The strawberry pot was moved from the old garden site
and placed near the new location.
I haven't decided if they will be planted in a dedicated bed,
or left in the big wash tub for springtime.
They have certainly multiplied over the past season
and we look forward to enjoying many luscious berries.

A few new frames were created out of cattle panels
to cover the three smaller raised beds and one larger one.
This will come in handy should the crops need to be covered
with row covers if a freeze is expected.
(A post on this project will be featured next week.)
Most of what we have planted can handle frosts,
but I would love to be able to pick broccoli, chard, 
kale, lettuce and spinach all winter long.

Some time was taken to shred some leaves
to use to cover all the planted crops in the raised beds.
Our handy-dandy portable leaf shredder does a great job
and within an hour, there was enough organic material
to cover almost all of the beds.

A few samples of seeds were collected from wild flowers
around the property.
These are frost asters and we also found some 
yellow asters that our neighbor has growing.
These will be added to our meadow-like drain field.
More for the pollinators to enjoy
with very little investment from us.
And so much more interesting than grass!

Most of our big garden projects have been completed.
I'm grateful that I was able to fill all of the raised beds
with crops that will grow into the winter.
Spring will have its own busyness,
so having this time to finish certain tasks has been satisfying.
Onward and upward!
There is always something to keep us busy and
we are counting our blessings every step of the way!



  1. What a neat zinnia the yellow one with red stripes is. I know you're happy to get some projects out of the way. The days have just been beautiful. Love your porch visitor!

    1. Yes, it feels very satisfying. Queenie is our resident tag-a-long. ;0D


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