Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Maple Hill Hop 20

Maple Hill Hop

This weekend, I read this quote on Chiot's Run,
and knew I just had to share it!  

"An optimist is the human personification of spring.”
~ Susan J. Bissonette

We were able to harvest carrots this weekend for supper.
They hit the spot, in more ways than one.
How rewarding to eat what you grow.
I could get used to this!

More peas are coming up on the bamboo tepee.
The power of a lone seed...

One of my projects on Saturday was to start a new growing area for snap peas.
This is the south facing wall of our house.
It's getting filled up with goodies.

I decided to frame the garlic patch with a homemade fence
on which the peas can climb.

As usual, I used what I had on hand.
These sturdy stakes came from a tall shrub that had been cut down last fall.
The orange baling twine is recycled from the pine straw mulch we buy.

The twine was woven in and out of the stakes.

We'll be able to see the peas' progress right outside our bedroom window.

Two types of lettuce were also reseeded.

My gardening coach, Lynn, gave me a few scallion sets to try.

As you can see, this lil' guy is ready to grow!

By sowing in this clear container,
we can watch the development as it progresses.

The eggplant was staked and tied.

More baling twine to the rescue!
It's great to be able to repurpose in the garden.
We continue to sow right through the last days of winter.

What's going on outside where you are?
Let's HOP!


  1. Time to get into the garden I guess :) Also wanted to tell you some fun news - We nominated you for the Liebster award!! http://2crochethooks.com/liebster-award/

    1. Thanks for the nomination. ;0)
      Hope you are able to get your hands dirty soon.

  2. Snow is still on the ground! At least 6 1/2 inches. But I am growing sprouts and green onions inside.

    1. That's a great way to get spring moving! ;0D


  3. Daisy, your posts always inspire me to more thought and planning for when the weather warms up here. Our Winter started with bitter cold the first part of December and is still blasting us with the polar vortex, a new weather channel term this year. I'm convinced we are just about to the end of the extreme cold weather but it will still be another two to three weeks before any scratching around in the garden can begin. I'm really hoping to try out some new growing techniques this year so my anxiety level is rising the longer it stays cold. I'm just going to have to get my hands in the dirt some where soon or I'll explode. The seedlings in the basement were satisfying for a time but now it's time to be outside. Everything looks great on your end. At least the snow is melting here today. That's a good sign. Maybe by Friday I can be outside setting up for the growing techniques. It's similar to your farm pot methods.

    Have a great outside day at Maple Hill.

  4. I wish I could say something other than snow was outside!

    1. You've had some glorious posts about enjoying the snow. I've enjoyed them all.

    2. Well I don't have to tell you how much those of us in the North love looking at all your greenery. :)

    3. I'm happy to bring you a bit of spring early.


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