Friday, January 31, 2025

Homestead Happenings


Welcome to our Friday feature,
Homestead Happenings,
where we share what's going on 
here on our Piedmont homestead.
It's been a rough couple of months,
and I am working toward resolution
to so many things.

Among other things,
I've been dealing with some surprising health issues,
and without the ability to get outside due to the weather,
it has taken its toll on my spirit.
Oftentimes, just being outside hearing the birds
or seeing that glorious blue sky
is enough to bring me back to a good place.
I'm working on it.

Believe it or not,
although we've had a long lasting cold spell,
with lows sometimes in the teens,
spring is beginning to pop up.
These irises aren't afraid to peek out of their cozy nest
in order to start the awakening that will continue for months.
I imagine the heavy blanket of leaves is keeping them
well insulated.
One of the tasks I usually have done by now
is the mulching of the fall leaves.
It just hasn't happened yet.

The blueberry bushes are budding out already,
and I'm hoping that this year our harvest 
will be an improvement from years past.
This will be the second season they have spent
in this same location next to the chook run.
Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits,
and oh-so good for you.

Something seems to be overwintering on this leaf.
It's fascinating to see things in nature
that often are hidden because of the abundance of leaves.
When the bushes and trees are bare,
it's so much easier to notice things.


The chooks have fared well through these frigid weeks.
With ample feathers to keep themselves warm,
they stay active scratching leaves and pecking the ground.
They are also given cracked corn to help them keep warm
during the coldest days and nights.

Straw has been used over the coldest part of the season,
and it's done a great job of keeping them toasty.
Yesterday, I decided to swap it out for shredded paper,
from our end-of-the-year file cabinet purge.
It should work similarly to the straw,
and it can be composted when it is no longer needed.
The bonus is that it keeps the coops cleaner.

Going through difficult periods in life
is certainly not easy.
I'm comforted by knowing that it won't be like this forever.
Things will get better and I am in God's hands.
It helps to remember to count each and every blessing
in the day-to-day.
This jar of sprouts on my kitchen windowsill
helps me keep in mind that my life is abundant.
Even though it's 14 degrees outside,
these seeds have decided to grow and give me food.
What a miracle.

May peace and comfort fill your heart.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Homestead Happenings


Welcome to Homestead Happenings,
where we share the news about our
Piedmont homesteading adventures.
Not much to share this week,
as we are having a chilly winter, 
just like most of the country.
With snow predicted (yippee!) for the next two days,
I'll be hunkering down and enjoying the snowfall.

Amazingly, the kale is still growing,
despite some frigid temps overnight.
The row covers give us a few extra degrees of warmth,
and kale is one hearty crop.
What a treat to be able to enjoy kale
as I am working outside.

In another bed we have one Napa cabbage 
still hanging on,
and broccoli, which has been
oh-so sweet, thanks to the cold snap.
Some of the broccoli will be harvested
to make a vegan broccoli-cheddar soup.

The garlic seems to be oblivious to the weather.
It keeps growing, despite what the thermometer says,
and I'm hoping for a bumper crop this year.
Still a long way to go though,
with harvest time in May or June.
It looks like the welded wire around the bed
is keeping the chooks from scratching up the soil.

One of the tasks I enjoy doing in the winter
is clearing out the woods surrounding our home.
We have trees on three sides,
though not very deep,
but I've managed to do some serious tidying this season.
It's easier for me to catch rogue chooks when the woods are clear.

We have color even on the dreariest of days.
This nandina has a beautiful spray of red berries
and red tinted leaves as well.
The berries last well after the holidays
and provide food for the wildlife here.

There is a large holly bush that is 
absolutely loaded in berries this year!
I have trimmed a few of the branches
to bring some of the outdoors in.
The rest will be left for our feathered friends.
It's so nice to have a pop of color out there.

The girls are enjoying the pulled broccoli stalks.
They pick apart whatever is left in no time.
*Note to self-plant more food for the chooks!

Site supervisor Buttercup makes sure that I am 
doing a good job spreading wood chips.
We were gifted a load via Chip Drop this week,
so I will have plenty to do to keep me warm outside.
This was an especially good load,
as the chips are quite small and they even threw in
a substantial log that I can use as a perch for the girls.
If you can use woodchips for your garden, animals or
pathways around your yard, Chip Drop is a great free resource.
Since we signed up with them online,
we've gotten 5 or 6 nice loads.

I made some tortillas with the chickpea flour 
I had in the cupboard.
They are so good with cheese, beans and sprouts.
The recipe is simple, quick and requires only a few ingredients.
I got the recipe here.

Last year, I made a batch of vanilla
using the simple combination of vodka and vanilla beans.
Can I just tell you how amazing it turned out?
I left it in a dark cabinet for a full year,
and it has the most wonderful smell and taste.
I decided to start another batch for next year.
So easy, and much better than what you can find in the store.

Here's where I plan to spend the next couple of days.
I tend to do indoor projects during these times
when the great outdoors is inaccessible.
If we get snow, I'll be out in it, for sure,
but eventually, I'll have to come inside to warm up.
Counting my blessings 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year's Day 2025

"Learn from yesterday, 
live for today, 
hope for tomorrow."
~Albert Einstein

May peace and good fortune follow you
throughout the new year.
God bless and keep us, everyone.