Thursday, August 20, 2020

Birdhouse Perch


This spring we put up several birdhouses, in part,
 to help with insect control in the garden.
Some were attached to trees, 
while a couple of others were mounted on 5-foot conduit poles.
The occupancy was hit-and-miss until we discovered a different way
to keep the birds and the eggs inside a bit safer.
We swapped out the five foot poles for 10 foot lengths of conduit.
This makes it more difficult for snakes and squirrels to rob the nests.
It also allows our feathered friends to have more privacy,
without being disturbed by foot traffic passing by at (our) eye level.

The poles slip easily into a simple bracket
and hold the birdhouse in place.
Using a piece of wood or a screw on the top,
the pole stays right where you want it.
This also makes it a breeze to clean the houses out each season,
as the pole handily slides right out of the bracket
after bringing the pole down from its roost.

We used both PVC pipe and plain rebar inserted into the ground
to anchor the poles.
Even in our hard, clay soil, this was readily accomplished.
With the PVC, the pole fits snugly inside,
and with the rebar, the pole drapes over the top.
Either way, it is quite secure.
We used what we had lying around,
but even if the items need to be purchased,
it's fairly inexpensive.


Bird watching has become a daily pasttime,
so it is our pleasure to provide for the families who call our property home.
It's one small thing we can do to encourage and foster
some of Nature's most fascinating creatures.



  1. Watching the birds is one of life's simple pleasures. I like the conduit idea for a pole.

    1. It certainly is that. They bring us so much joy.

  2. It's one of our favorite things as well. We love waiting for the hatching and then watching all the "kids" grow up, learn to fly, and then go off to start their own family. What a wonderful (and handy) idea!

    1. It's one of those seasonal things that keep us grounded.
      Thank you for stopping by!


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