Friday, April 3, 2020

Garden Friday

Welcome back to Garden Friday,
where things are starting to get into gear.
It's been a busy week, 
which is just the way I like things.
Being home lends itself to getting tasks crossed off
our to-do list.

With a bit of disappointment,
we had to put our irrigation project on hold.
We were about halfway through it
when we discovered that the tubing that we purchased
was leaking like a sieve.
It seems that the connectors (elbows, t pieces) aren't
compatible with the particular type of poly we have.
We ordered some new components, which should arrive today.
Hopefully, this weekend we will be successful
in setting up the system with no complications.
Fingers crossed!

The first batch of Yukon Gold potatoes got dug up
by something, most likely chipmunks or squirrels.

So a new batch was dried and planted in the same bed.
This time, I covered the bed with welded wire panels.
Whatever I need to do to deter those varmints!

Since I didn't have as many seed potatoes for the second planting,
I added a mess of onions to one side of the 3X8 bed.
Can't wait to see how they do!

The larger of these tubs was used for planting our strawberries.
The smaller one will most likely be filled with flower seeds.
It's been dry for a while, with no rain expected until Tuesday,
so supplemental watering has been needed.

A friend and I rescued two beautiful black snakes.
They were in her well house,
and had gotten entangled in some netting that was kept there.
As these are the best mouse catchers, we wanted to help them if we could.
As I held the critters, (a male and a female), she painstakingly
cut each part of the netting off of the two poor souls.
We set them free in the wooded area just behind me.
Hoping they are well enough to return and do some rodent patrol!

If all goes well with the irrigation project,
I'm hoping to be a plantin' fool this weekend.
It's the perfect time to sow chard, kale, lettuce, peas, spinach,
and so much more.
Flower seeds need to be purchased, as I don't have as many
nasturtium and marigold seeds that I like to place 
in the raised beds.
They encourage pollinators while discouraging pests.
They add even more beauty to the garden to boot!

Hope your spring garden is coming right along!


  1. So good to see a photo of you. You're a braver soul than me! I don't especially mind snakes, but don't really want to hold them. I leave that up to the husband :o). Happy planting, and good luck with the irrigation system.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping it goes smoothly!
      Enjoy your weekend!

  2. The tulips are beautiful! I hope your connectors come in time. Have a good weekend working in the garden; we'll be doing the same.

    1. Great to hear! Enjoy this beautiful springtime weather!

  3. Yikes! I definitely could not have handled that snake. I get creeped out by the little ones let alone something that large. I certainly hope your connectors come and that you are a gardening fool this weekend! :)

    1. Thank you, my friend.
      Enjoy your weekend on the farm.


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