Friday, August 2, 2019

Garden Friday

Welcome to Garden Friday!
It's already August and summer is winding down.
Here's what we have growing this week.

 We are in the midst of summer crops,
with okra and eggplant just getting going
and squash and melons making rapid gains.
Our garden this season is a bit behind,
but we are happy with any harvest that comes our way.

 Cucumbers are one of the easiest crops to grow.
These are growing in straw bales.

 The pollinators have done a great job this year,
as we are getting consistent fruit on the plants.

Our first year growing butternut squash is working out well.
The trellis is filling out with the climbing vines.

This has become one of my favorite veggies,
because it is used in making Butternut Soup with Coconut Milk.
I'm hoping to eat a lot of that this fall and winter.

butternut squash blossom

The arches are a new addition to the garden this year,
and I enjoy watching the melons and beans wrapping themselves around them.

 Two types of watermelon are being grown in containers,
allowing the vines to scale the arches.
This is the Sugar Baby variety.

This heirloom variety is called Klondike Blue Ribbon.

bees on okra

A few more loofahs have shown up on the gazebo structure
(not sure if you can see the one hanging from the top bar on the right.
The flowers are gorgeous and prolific!
This is such a fun plant to grow,
I think it will be on my yearly summer "must have" list.

The crops that love the heat have been getting plenty of it!
Last night we must have had a good inch or more of rain,
so the garden should be mighty happy.

We will soon be gearing up for fall planting,
if I can ever get my seedlings started.
This weekend time will be set aside for that.

So much to look forward to in each planting season.
What a blessing it is to be a gardener
and watch God's hands at work.


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts!