Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Going Local-The Bradford Market


A couple of weeks ago,
sister and I ventured to a new
"off-the-beaten path" place.
Another friend had mentioned it in passing,
but it sounded right up our alley,
so we decided to visit.
It turned out to be only minutes
from sister's home in Concord.
The Bradford Market has been in business
for over 100 years.
They proudly carry only local products
of the highest quality.
This includes homemade items from local artisans,
farmers and small businesses.

This building, which houses the bookstore,
is a cabin that surely must have seen many changes.

Shelves of books,
as well as locally made soaps, lotions and
other toiletry items were found
in this quaint little lodge.
On the day we visited,
the weather was quite lovely,
but couldn't you just imagine a roaring fire
warming customers as they perused titles?

The grounds are also home to a beautiful
garden, where one can stroll,
or enjoy a meal at one of the picnic tables.
A plan has been made to return when spring flowers
will be bursting forth with fresh blossoms.
We picked up a few plants from the nursery section
of the market.

There were so many unique items on display,
and sister and I both agree that we want
to return again and again
to support this local business.
The produce looked amazingly fresh 
and the bread and sweets had us drooling.

Another fabulous find
here in Central North Carolina.
It was wonderful to be able to venture out again
after several years of restricted outings.
And getting to spend the day with one of my favorite people,
what a blessing.


  1. That bag is hilarious! What a wonderful, cozy, place. It's so nice to discover community-focused businesses.

    1. I have a feeling you'd love it! And I could see your soap and toiletry products right there!

  2. That looks and sounds like a wonderful place! Local goods, books, a nursery and garden! Who could ask for more?!

    1. I know, right? Everything we homesteaders love in one place!

  3. Indeed, we plan to support it as best we can.

  4. What an awesome place--basically my dream store! I love all your pictures and your description. It sounds like a wonderful day with your sister!

    1. Yeah, I'd say it's right up your alley. I'll bet you have a lot of lovely places like this near Quincy.


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