Friday, November 3, 2023

Garden Friday


Welcome back to Garden Friday.
The weather this week has traversed
from summer to winter temperatures,
but by the weekend, things should settle down.
Our first wicked freeze happened on Wednesday night,
with temps dipping down to 24 degrees.

The Romaine lettuce has been looking delectable,
and here's hoping that the covers placed over the bed
have saved them from any harm.
The brassicas in two other beds should be fine.

Not sure if it's easy to see here,
but the garlic has popped up in the grow bags.
This is the first time I'm using this tool for this crop,
although we have an entire 3X8 bed planted elsewhere with this staple.


Earlier this week,
we did away with the center crepe myrtle in this bed.
The dogwood to the left and the other crepe myrtle
to the right will be much happier to have some space.
The center of the bed can be filled with perennials
that love an abundance of sunshine.


The rue that was planted just under this tree
has been left intact and is showing signs of growing.
This is one of the host plants for the
black swallowtail caterpillars.

This tower of black-eyed susan vine
will be history after the freeze yesterday morning.
Ah well, it gave us many weeks of beauty
and seed was saved for next year's blooms.

The cotton fields are becoming engorged with
this miraculous crop.
It's just fascinating to me that we can grow the makings of the fabric
that fills up so many rooms and closets in our homes.
I'm a thrift shopper,
and have focused on purchasing only natural fibers for my wardrobe.
Cotton, linen and wool are always my first choices.

A little while back,
I entered a photo contest sponsored by our
local electric co-op.
One of my pictures was chosen to be published
in their monthly magazine,
and they paid me $25 to boot!
This month they are looking for shots
that capture the essence of North Carolina.
This is the photo I will most likely enter.
The intention for me is to connect with my subject,
and hopefully bring joy to others.
I enjoy taking pictures and feel
that it helps me engage more fully
in my surroundings.

(Well, I made it through my first post 
with the new computer.
Thankfully, some of the issues I was having
with the blog have been resolved.
Bear with me as I get the hang of this thing.
Me and technical tools don't always see eye to eye.)

Hope your weekend
is just how you like it.


  1. Congratulations on your photo win! I agree that taking the time to look at the world through a camera lens helps me to connect more. I'm with you, on thrifting natural fiber clothing and linens. I planted my black eyed susan vine too late. It had produced a few buds in October, but there wasn't time for blooms. I'll have to start earlier next year. Removing the crepe myrtle opened up that space nicely. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend!

    1. Thank you for the kind words. You seem to have an abundance of great thrift shops near you.
      I'm saving seed today from the black-eyed susan vines, so let me know if you need any more.
      Enjoy this gorgeous autumn day!

  2. Wow - congratulations on the photo contest! That is a beautiful photo that you're considering for the next one. The flower bed looks great after the crepe myrtle was removed. Your temps dipped as low as ours did for the one day. Do you normally have that cold of overnight temps this early? Our cooler temps are late this year. We were able to keep our nightshade veg growing until just a couple of weeks ago, which was odd but appreciated! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    1. My photo was one of several chosen, but it was still a thrill!
      No, our cold doesn't usually come until January or February, we got an early taste of winter! My friend was still harvesting tomatoes until just before the big freeze!
      So happy to see you here. Enjoy your weekend.

    2. I was thinking it seemed early for your area. Hopefully your winter isn't colder than average....

  3. Congratulations on your photo being chosen for publication! That is awesome. And what you wrote about photography helping you to engage more fully in your surroundings really resonates with me. I feel the same way; I think taking pictures helps me to slow down and take notice of things, especially small things. I love the new photo you are thinking about entering!

    1. Thank you. It's good to know that others have that same connection. It's an amazing world, if we just slow own enough to notice. Blessings...

  4. Congrats on the photo publishing...that is so great! What fun, I love taking photos as well...some things I just want to remember...good luck as you enter your next photo! Be sure to let us know how it goes.

    1. Thank you. I've been working toward doing more with my photos, and this will be a good nudge. Thank you for visiting.


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