Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Using Diffusers

Essential oils have been used in our home for several years.
We prefer the DoTerra brand,
as we've always had good experience with them.
These oils can be added to diffusers, applied topically,
and some are even safe enough to ingest.
Especially in winter, when the air is exceedingly dry,
dispersing oils into the air helps keep humidity higher,
while adding a fragrance to fit one's mood.
We usually have lemon or orange diffusing in the living room,
but we use peppermint during the holidays. 
Aromatic application can encourage
relaxation, stimulation and emotional renewal.
The diffuser shown above is our living room unit.
It gets filled in the morning,
and pretty much goes all day,
cleaning and scenting the air.
This unit has an automatic shut-off,
so if I forget to turn it off before bedtime,
it will shut off when the water is gone.

Using a diffuser with essential oils in the bedroom
encourages sounder sleep.
Scents such as lavender, jasmine, sandalwood, and even vanilla
foster a sense of relaxation and restfulness.
Eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary can aide
in breathing easier through the sleep cycle.
Along with the chosen aroma,
the vaporizing effect of the mist adds needed humidity to the air,
especially in the dry winter months.
I was even able to find a diffuser
with an added bonus, a white noise option.
Between the essential oils and my choice of rain, 
a rolling stream or incoming waves, my sleep has improved.

An important aspect when using a diffuser in any application,
is keeping it clean.
The water sometimes sits and creates mildew in the reservoir.
Simply using warm water and perhaps a bit of vinegar
will take care of the problem.
I do this at least once a month,
and more if I see it's needed.
This ensures that the diffuser will last longer
and continue to support your well being.

Our diffusers are a welcome addition to the homestead.


  1. This is a good reminder for me. I haven't used my diffuser in years, and need to look for it. Thanks.

  2. It's something I look forward to every day. ;0D


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