Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hang Ups

After visiting Darla's blog,
I fell in love with the idea of displaying Christmas cards
simply by using clothespins and twine.
There was no twine to be found in the house,
so a ribbon from the gift wrapping bin was substituted.

These valances came with the house
and it's nice to be able to feature them this way.

The clothespins pay homage to the thrill I get
from hanging our clothes out every week.

I'm thinking it would be a great way
to display other things too.
Maybe fabric swatches or bandanas, homemade crafts,
or family photos from recent activities.

Love this fresh idea. Thanks, Darla!

One Project at a Time Link party - ABFOL

Christmas Hop


  1. We do this every year-only we have some of that green garland stuff and a string of red Christmas lights. We hang them from the archway between the living room and the kitchen so you have to walk under them all day long! The kids love it!


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