Friday, August 9, 2024

Homestead Happenings

Welcome to Homestead Happenings,
where we share what's going on here
on our Piedmont NC property.
Tropical storm Debby made Her way through our area,
bringing over 3 inches of rain, fierce winds
and a short loss of power.
All is fine here,
and the chooks were all kept on lock down
for the event.

Speaking of chooks,
our babies are now laying.
We had a full dozen eggs last week,
after months of having to purchase eggs
from other chicken keepers.
The girls are earning their keep!
The gorgeous olive-colored eggs will get bigger with time.

In the veg garden, the sweet potatoes
have been savoring every drop of rain.
The vines are now overflowing from their bed.
Looking forward to having sweet spuds in the fall.

A couple of new Cushaw squash have been spied
on their trellis.  The Seminole pumpkins are growing,
but have not yet ripened to harvest.
These two squashes will be staples in the garden
from now on.

Red ripper beans are coming along on the teepee,
along with some stringless green beans.
I have enjoyed watching the teepee fill in,
and will likely add a few more next spring.

All of the volunteer squash vines are sprawling
in every available spot.  
Thankfully, there is ample space,
and we'll see what we get by season's end.

A volunteer pumpkin near our pollinator bed
is starting to change color.
I have no idea what it is,
or how big it's supposed to get,
so I guess we'll just watch it and take our best guess
for harvest time.

Another volunteer,
near the sweet potato bed,
seems to be some type of melon.
There are quite a few fruit on the vine,
and I fear that the trellis I secured will not be enough
to hold them all.
It's so exciting to see all of this mystery food appear!

Last week, we had temperatures in the 90's,
and we took full advantage of the new
mister fans we picked up.
Here, Betty is getting some much-needed relief,
bless her skinny lil' self.
I've also used them for myself on the front porch,
not only for cooling, but to keep mosquitoes at bay.
The fan can be used without the mister, if desired.

The spiderwort border near the chicken run
had been cut back severely a couple of months ago,
as they were looking mighty raggedy.
With the ample rain we've had,
they are coming back strong.
It's so nice to have fresh blooms
when other things are looking so tired and worn out.

Speaking of fresh blooms,
the zinnias are popping up
in every shade imaginable.
The combination colors are one of my favorites.

This display is just under my bedroom window,
and it brings me such joy
when I open up my curtains in the morning
and am greeted with this beautiful sight.
It reminds me at the beginning of my day
just how blessed we are.

The cactus zinnias are another favorite
and grace our garden every summer.

The milkweed plants must be 6 feet tall,
but so far, no monarchs have been spotted.
We'll keep an eye out though,
as it should be within the next few weeks
that they will start devouring these plants.
This year, there were many volunteer milkweed,
so we have an abundant supply for the caterpillars to enjoy.

What wonderous things are happening on your homestead?


  1. How lovely your young hens are laying. That's always a happy event. Another one is volunteer plants.

    Your melon made me think of David the Good's landrace project. One of the plants they're experimenting with is watermelons. If you've not heard of landrace plants, it's basically letting different varieties cross-pollinate, keeping the best seeds, and over time having plants that are especially suited to that place.

    I never knew about the mister fans. Very cool! I bet the girls do appreciate that. Your flowers are a beautiful sight!

    1. Wow, I think I need to check out David the Good's site. Sounds very creative.
      Hope you were okay with the rains.

  2. Happy you all made it through the storm ok. Mystery food is indeed exciting! How sweet to have fans for the chickens during this summer heat. Your sweet potatoes and flowers look fantastic!

    1. Yes, we have had enough rain to last us a while. ;0D Thank you for stopping by.


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