Friday, July 12, 2024

Homestead Happenings


Welcome to Homestead Happenings!
To be truthful, there isn't a whole lot going on here,
with summer heat taking its toll.
The beautiful blooms are one of the best things
about my least favorite season.

Beets were harvested and enjoyed this week.
These were purchased as seedlings
from our friends at Piedmont Farmstead,
where I buy some of my fabulous organic produce.

The Cushaw squash is still growing well,
with absolutely no signs of pest interference.
Seeds will be saved from this crop,
so that it can be grown again next year.
This is one of two new squash varieties 
that I am trying this season,
and they were chosen for their resistance to 
the dreaded squash vine borers.
So far, so good!

The sweet potatoes have finally decided 
to do something.
We did have a bit of rain over the last week,
and I guess it was just enough to get things moving.
I also added some rabbit fertilizer to the bed.

I'm happy with the way the herb bed is coming along.
We have basil, chamomile, lemon balm, 
parsley and thyme planted here.
I'd love to put some pesto in the freezer for winter.

These random pumpkin/squash plants
are taking up a lot of real estate.
No worries, we are blessed with ample room.
So far, I am hard pressed to find any fruit.

The beans have been resown a second time,
and a few varieties are growing.
These are drying beans,
which will be used in the cooler months
for soups and stews.

Scapes were found on some of the leeks.
They can be used just as a scallion would be used,
so I'll be snipping these off and cooking with them.
Love me some leeks!

Some of the lettuce has bolted,
and purposely left so that seed may be gathered.
This is the Amish Speckled Butter lettuce
that was grown for the first time this year.
Everyone that I shared seedlings with 
seemed to enjoy it immensely.
It's a keeper.


The transition of the new chooks to the coop
is still a work in progress.
The barrier I constructed with cardboard and a screen
is keeping them separated at night for now.
Each morning, these are removed so that the nesting boxes
can be accessed.
We only have one hen laying at the moment,
but the babies should be starting very soon.
Hopefully, two more weeks of separation
will help to get them used to sharing the space.

Our summertime Lego camper display
is nearly complete.
We have one more large set to construct
and make room for on the mantle.

Big K has collected so many campers,
that we now have an overflow area in the office.
I love this tradition.

I hope that you are enjoying summer
however you see fit.
The blessings are many,
and we appreciate each and every day.
Bee well.


  1. I love the lego display and your garden looks great! You must be getting enough rain (?)

    1. We got a couple of good doses of rain, but have mostly been in drought conditions, believe it or not!

  2. How fantastic to have local organic produce available to buy, and seedlings too! I'm glad you're finding a way around those borers. I researched resistant summer squashes, and planted Ronde de Nice yesterday, as the yellow and zucchini squash plants are dying one by one.

    I'm so glad you're getting rain. We are too; last night, and getting more today. We just resowed more green beans too, as the originals all died, probably from the drought.

    I never considered using the leek scapes. Good to know! The campers are such a fun summer display! Hope you have a beautiful week.

    1. Yes, we love our local farmers. Let me know if you want some seeds from the squash plants and I'll slip a few in the mail to you. Glad you finally got some rain! What a difference it makes.
      Always good to see you here, Laurie.

  3. Have you cooked with Cushaw squash yet? Just curious on their taste and texture. I've been meaning to plant some since I lose most of my winter squash plants to the dreaded vine borer.

    Love the campers. That's a great idea to decorate with them for summer!

    Matilda looks so comfy on your leg. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    1. This is my first experience with this squash, but I've seen so many good things about it. Let me know if you want seeds.
      Enjoy your weekend. Hope you are having a gentle summer.

  4. Matilda is adorable, and I love your camper display! Your black-eyed Susans are so pretty. I haven't been successful with those, but maybe I should try again. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. She really is a striking bird. And so friendly. I will be happy to send you black-eyed susan seeds if you like. I also grow a black-eyed susan vine, if you want to try that. Just let me know!

  5. So many wonderful things I don’t know where to start! Everything is looking terrific - I agree, a tomato never tastes better than right now in summer, but the heat and humidity really do make it my least favorite season. I’d take a winter blizzard over the weather we’ve had lately without a doubt! I love sweet Matilda, I’ve never had a lap chicken 😊. LOVE the LEGO campers – what fun!! How did the tradition start? So many terrific things - wouldn’t it be nice to be neighbors!

    1. Hey there friend. Thank you for your kind words. We have been a Lego family for a long time. Big K wanted to start a collection of campers (we used to be campers too). It's a fun tradition.
      I guess we are neighbors, we share the same planet! Enjoy your weekend!


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