Friday, December 15, 2023

Homestead Happenings


The end of another week,
and the sunsets have been simply spectacular!
It looks as if the sky is on fire through the trees,
but not to worry, it is only Mother Nature showcasing one of Her many talents.
Here are a few of the things that went on this week.

The leaf collection and mulching are complete
in both our yard and our neighbors'.
Our wonderful next-door neighbor allows us to use her 
mower with attached bagger to clean up our yard,
and in return we take care of hers.
Everyone wins!
We have this massive leaf pile out by the garden,
and another two cubic yards in heavy duty bags.
I think we're set for leaf mulch for a while!

I finally got around to cleaning up the loofah.
We ended up with about 20 usable loofahs.
These will be listed on our local Next Door
for anyone who can use them.
Considering that I wasn't sure they would dry in time,
(we got cold weather earlier than expected),
I'm quite pleased with the harvest.

One of the big projects we've been 
dragging our feet on pondering for months,
was how to level our shed.
Big K can fix just about anything,
but this lil' conundrum was a little out of his comfort zone.
The floor inside had started to buckle,
and after calling a couple of shed companies,
ended up with no one who would do the job.
Until I asked our neighbor Joe.

Joe is an 80-something gentleman 
who lives a block over and does all sorts of odd jobs
for folks in the neighborhood.
He cuts grass, chops wood, builds stuff,
he's truly a talented guy.
Not only did he do a fabulous job of leveling the shed,
he would not take payment for it.
We ended up dropping off a Lowe's gift card,
knowing that he'll put it to good use.
Generous neighbors are such a blessing.

A couple of the raised beds have been dismantled,
to make room for our new Birdie's beds.
The garden is being reconfigured,
and two of the beds need to be moved anyway.
The soil from these beds will be added to
the asparagus bed,
as it has settled quite a bit.

I've been working on getting rid of things 
that I don't really need.
A couple of items were found that I didn't even realize I had.
One was this French newspaper,
which must have been with my mom's things.
Our next-door neighbor is going to help me
with the translation.
Someone suggested that perhaps the paper
held some information about a family member.
I don't really know what to do with this,
as I have no way to contact any of my mom's family in France,
if they are even still around.

Here's the other item.
Remember these?

Here's the flip side.
Again, what to do with these random things?
I know that C will not be interested in them,
so there's really no reason to save them,
but I can't bring myself to just throw them out.
Not my style.

The baking has commenced.
Another year of sharing my mom's recipe for Madelienes.
They are a traditional French "cookie"
that my momma used to bake at Christmas time.
They taste like miniature sponge cakes more than cookies.
Unfortunately for me, I can't eat them because they contain gluten,
but I do enjoy making them for others,
knowing that they've probably never had anything like them.

Our indoor decorations are fairly simple.
We always decorate the mantel with our various holiday Lego sets.
It's a fun activity for the whole family,
and it gives our home a unique, cheerful theme.

Hoping you are enjoying this holiday season,
however you celebrate!


  1. What an interesting post. Sounds like you have fantastic neighbors. From lawn mower lady to Joe, who leveled your shed. Dan put ours on pallets, which was fine for a long time, but now they're sinking on one side (probably deteriorating). It's always something, isn't it?

  2. P.S. Do you belong to any genealogy groups? I'm on Family Search and would say that if your translation finds any family tidbits, it would be great to photograph the article and share it. For genealogists, that's the best treasure.

    1. Nope, I don't belong to anything like that. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Wow, so nice to have helpful neighbors...truly, that's a rare thing these days. I'd think the 45 record might be worth a pretty penny to a fan - and if you can translate the paper, you may find something amazing! We do Family Search too - scanning it and sharing with others would be really nice - how great to have something from so long ago.

    1. Yes, we are fortunate that most of our neighbors are helpful.
      Thank you for stopping by.

  4. What a blessing to have such an awesome neighbor! Well, both of them really. It will be interesting to see what you can find out about the paper. I love the unique way you decorate your mantel. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I hope that I can find out something about the paper!

  5. So much cool stuff in this post. The sunset picture is truly amazing; the light really does look like fire. Your loofah harvest is awesome, and the Madelienes look delicious!

    1. Thank you, Leslie. You are always so kind. Thank you for visiting.

  6. Wow - that's a beautiful sunset! We've been blessed with some beautiful skies this past month as well. Isn't it wonderful to have some great neighbors? We are blessed with a couple as well. Your shed looks fabulous! And the leaf mulch....whoa! That's quite a pile.

    Your family lego tradition is so sweet. Such a cheerful display. I hope you can figure out something to do with the paper - that's so interesting! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

    1. Mother Nature is truly awesome! Thank you for your kindness. It's always good to see you here.
      Blessings for a wonderful weekend.


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