Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Going Local-Cotton Ginning Days


A couple of months ago,
we ventured out to a local event.
(I'm a little behind on posting this because of technical difficulties.)
The Cotton Ginning Days Festival was held
in a nearby town and is an annual event.
Cotton is still one of the main crops grown here
in the Piedmont of North Carolina.
Here's a great article on cotton's importance in our state.

The Cotton Ginning Days Festival is held on the 2nd weekend in October each year.
This fair is a joint effort between the Gastonia Parks and Rec Department,
and the Gaston Agriculture, Mechanical, & Textile Restoration Association (GAMTRA).

There were many antique machines on display.
They are maintained by their owners
and are kept in working order.

Old time skills are featured in some of the buildings.
These two gentlemen were forging in the ironworks shed.
This festival is a celebration of the way things were done in the 1900's.

A pioneer village is on display,
with original buildings.

Of course, no heritage festival would be complete
without tractors.
These workhorses were the key to successful farming.
They are still admired by many,
but their only work now is showing off in the tractor parade.

One of our favorite parts of the festival
was the flea market area.
This so reminded us of our beloved 
Florida Flywheelers back in Central Florida,
that we visited several times a year.

Look at this handy cart.
Wouldn't it be fun to ride around the neighborhood on this?

And would you look at this sled?
I was so tempted to get it,
even though I'm fairly sure
I'd break something using it.

The icing on the cake was this cute lil' coffee bar.
What a perfect way to spend the morning,
and a cup of joe made it even better.
This is one festival we plan on revisiting next year.


  1. Antique equipment is especially fascinating. Even better when you get demonstrations! It's fantastic that somebody has a restoration association. The festival definitely sounds like a good annual outing!

    1. Yes, we love all that old stuff! It takes you back in time to imagine how it was used in everyday life.

  2. What a fantastic festival. And a flea market to boot! It sounds like a great time.

    1. It was! They even had a craft fair, so I was able to do some holiday shopping. Thanks for visiting.

  3. That looks like such fun...oh yes, the sled would be fabulous! I love the vintage camper, too...what a great time you must have had! Did you find any goodies at the flea market?

    1. As I am trying not to add much to the household inventory, I decided to purchase a few handmade items as gifts instead.

  4. What a sweet camper. It looks like a fun day!

    1. It was just enough. Thank you for stopping by!


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