Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday Tidings

Summer is slowing fading away
and bringing cooler morning temps.
We still have plenty of blooms to share.

Shasta daisy

butterfly vine blooming

and budding

Some of the sunflowers are bowing out for the season.

The gloriosa daisies are a cheery sight in the garden.

Engorged seed heads ensure they will be back.

Zinnias are a summer staple.

This is the first time I've grown the giant yellow variety.

This seed head reminds me of a fancy layer cake from a posh bakery.

lantana budding

and blooming


This perennial peanut is sometimes used as a groundcover.
It is drought tolerant and displays these darling yellow petals.

A former neighbor gifted us with this plant.
My friend Lynn informed me that it is called
"Spanish bayonet".
I may try to propagate this using the dried seeds.
You can read more about this plant here.

This is the first time in the five years that we've had it
that it has bloomed.
Maybe it needed to be closer to the sun...

The beautyberry shares garden space with some lantana
in one of the backyard beds.
I like the contrast of colors and textures.

The beautyberries this year are loaded with berries for the birds.

morning glory

native salvia

The porterweed a friend gave us recently seems to be happy
in the front blue garden.
Keep 'em happy and they'll grow for you.

This volunteer is blooming abundantly now.

These puffy orbs protrude close to the sight of the blooms.
Not sure what they are or if they have anything to do with the delicate pink blossoms.

A bit of fiery red penta adds a splash of color
and these lovelies attract a number of butterfly varieties.

Cozy critters congregate outside the patio screen.

The fall winds are making their way to us.
Nature will keep right on providing a delightful vista
as we count our blessings.



  1. You have the prettiest flowers! But I think my favorite of them all is the Shasta daisy. It's just so lovely!

  2. I've always been fond of lantana---I tried it this year but of course we had such a cool summer, it was never happy. Yours is beautiful. Love the bright yellow! And oh, those zinnias. Gorgeous!

  3. Love that yellow zinnia! And the lantana, too. Your mystery plant looks like a yucca.

    1. I'll be saving seed from that zinnia for sure.
      It is a yucca I found out. Thanks!

  4. I can't figure out who likes the zinnias more, me or the bees!
    Thanks for the i.d.!

  5. The little frogs are cute! We have one living in a flower pot out back. I like your pink hibiscus, the porterweed, and your beautyberry. Your garden looks great!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Beth. I always enjoy seeing your garden.


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