Friday, October 27, 2023

Garden Friday

Welcome Autumn!
Welcome to Garden Friday,
where we (occasionally) share what's happening on
 our zone 7b Piedmont homestead.
Just popping in with an update,
as I am still dealing with difficulties uploading my photos.
A plan is in the works to acquire my own laptop,
to see if that resolves the issues. 
If so, I hope to get back to weekly posts.

The garlic has been planted for the season,
although we haven't yet had any pop up.
This bed has over 60 cloves planted,
and two grow bags have another twenty or so. 
I've never grown this crop in bags before,
so it'll be interesting to see how they do.
Nearby, broccoli, cabbage and kale
seem to be enjoying our near-perfect fall weather.

A couple of trays of Romaine lettuce
were picked up at the big box store
and they are doing well.
This week, kale and lettuce were sown in containers,
utilizing the winter sowing method.
This technique was used successfully last winter,
but I wanted to try it at this time of the year,
just to see if it would help hasten germination.
Our nights are cool,
but we've been blessed with temperate, sunny days.

Our fall display is made up of several pumpkins,
a straw bale, mums, pansies and a few violas. 
I'm pleased with the results and enjoyed putting it together
in our pollinator bed, which would otherwise sit empty.
I'll plan to do a winter presentation as well.

Forgotten bulbs were added to the pollinator bed before
beginning the autumnal display.
This bed should be bursting in blooms come springtime.

The whole flock recently got the spa treatment
right in our front yard.
Having found lice nits on one of the girls,
we wanted to ensure that no one else had an issue.
They still have access to dust bathing,
(which usually keeps parasites in check,)
but as we needed to check everyone for lice,
we decided to employ the beautiful sunny weather
to get them squeaky clean and offer a bit of pampering.

 Believe it or not,
Queenie is still hanging in there,
and dare I say,
seems improved.
Grateful for more time with her and her
elderly sisters.

Life is Better with Chickens!


  1. I absolutely love your Fall display! What a great idea. I love the organic bed edges, and expect it will bring lots of smiles. I've not started any winter sowing seeds this early either, and will be interested in hearing about the results. Enjoy these balmy days!

    1. Alas, by the time I am able to respond to your comment, the balmy days are gone! It's blustery and chilly out this morning, but we are forging ahead! Thank you for your kind words. Hunker down, friend!

  2. I love your outdoor decorating. And it's great to hear Queenie is doing well. I've never bathed chickens before! Must have been an adventure.

    1. Yes, the spa treatment was less than popular with the girls. ;0D Thanks for stopping by, Leigh!

  3. I'm so glad that Queenie has improved. That's such good news! And your chickens sure are lucky having a spa day. I love your fall display and hope you have a wonderful weekend in the garden!

    1. Thank you, Leslie for the good thoughts. I hope the cooler temperatures are making their way to you.
      Be blissed!

  4. Your fall display is beautiful and I'm so happy that Queenie seems to be doing better. Ah yes, the chicken spa day. We did that once. That was enough. We had 11 chickens and a rooster at the time, and we wanted to add 5 more chickens. We didn't realize it when we purchased the 5 pullets from a farm, but they came to us with lice. It spread right through the coop and, thus, spa day was enacted. A friend who shows their chickens all of the time said it was easy peasy. She washes hers before every show. Perhaps a few would be easy peasy but 17..... not so much. We did not enjoy it and the chickens definitely did not enjoy it. Clyde, our rooster, was a good sport though. He made a lot of noises like he was a bit worried, but he took it all in stride. We still talk and laugh about it. Hoping it worked for your flock. Have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Ha! What an adventure that must have been! What a great chicken tender you are.
      Always good to see you here.

  5. I'm reading up on your link to winter sowing...I need to give it a try. This year I just felt the need to really preserve and prepare...someone asked me why, when I can buy it at the store. Hmmm, well, I do that too, but why not? Then I know absolutely what's in what I'm eating...hard to say about anything I buy. Oh and the spa it! Lucky girls! Oh, and I want to try garlic too this year...thanks for the reminders!

    1. Yes, the winter sowing method is a real game changer. You still have time to get your garlic in, but do it soon! I haven't bought garlic in years. I have yet to dive into the preserving arena, but it's still in the plans.
      Thank you for visiting us!


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