Friday, September 22, 2023

Garden Friday



Welcome to Garden Friday!
Autumn is finally here,
and you'll find no one more excited about that than yours truly.
Fall is such a great time to be in the garden,
whether it's sowing cool weather crops or picking what nature has provided to enjoy inside.

Sweet potatoes were harvested this week.
We got 14.5 pounds, which isn't bad, 
considering we planted only one small bed.

The tubers in this crop were smaller than in past years,
and they seemed to grow more in clusters, instead of individually.
The slips were started in February,
so this was a long process from seed to table.

They will cure in the garage for two weeks before being sampled.
We're using a hitch-haul and the bifold door that I use to use at the Market.

Some time was spent earlier in the season on planting the front flower beds.
I've added quite a few things and seeded many zinnias.
In fact, they grew so big,
that the evergreens and grasses behind them are well hidden.

Every morning when I open up my curtain,
I look down into this beautiful display of flowers and busy pollinators.
I even noticed a goldfinch eating bugs off of the milkweed!

The zinnias just went wild with the rainfall we got.
They are filling in the front bed so wonderfully.
Seed saving continues,
with flower seeds and dried beans making their way into our stash for next season.
It's a tranquil and fastidious task
that can be savored with the anticipation of future harvest.

The Seminole pumpkin has grown outside of its bed.
It's still too early to know if fruit will show itself,
but we'll leave it be for now.

The Piggot peas have started producing,
and I'm curious to learn more about them.
This is a new crop for me,
but so far, they have been easy to grow.
We're even getting some late-planted cucumbers coming up.

We've got visitors, folks!
Although we were not blessed with Monarch caterpillars this year,
a few black swallowtails were spied on the Rue.
This no-fuss plant is one of the host plants for this species.

What wonders have the fall season brought you?


  1. You harvested your sweet potatoes! I have yet to do mine. But I am continuing with fall planting. Lovely to see you're still getting cucumbers. Mine have it up awhile ago.

    1. The cucumbers were a late addition to the garden, so I'm happy with any we get! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Your zinnias are beautiful! What a nice crop of sweet potatoes. I didn't plant any this year but hope to again next year. It's nice to have a stash going into fall and winter.

    Black swallowtail caterpillars are beautiful. I left some dill and carrots (I had carrots reseed themselves from last year) in the garden for them. Our garden struggled a bit this year, but we are receiving a nice supply of greens, green beans, beets, tomatoes, peppers, and hopefully eggplant going into fall. All squash has been picked and are curing and I'm getting ready to plant garlic. I began prepping most of the garden beds for winter. It's officially fall this Saturday and it's actually feeling like it. It's wonderful!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    1. I'm looking forward to using those sweet potatoes this winter. They make great soup or breakfast hash.
      Sounds like your garden did just fine! Enjoy the weekend.

  3. That's great to know. I've never tried growing rue. We also harvested our sweet potatoes this week, except for one plant that was separate from the others. I don't have any idea of weight. The zinnias are lovely. One of the kajari melons was found off the vine this week, but small and not looking ripe. There are still three left, though all are small. I'm still hoping we get to taste a ripe one. I hope you enjoy these cooler temps!

    1. The kajaris should be orange when ripe. I have one waiting in the fridge for me. They are a smaller fruit.
      No doubt J will get a lot done on the Skoolie with this glorious weather! Cheers!

    2. Oh, good to know the kajaris are orange when fully ripe. They all have prominent green stripes and no orange... yet!

  4. What a great crop of sweet potatoes! And your zinnias are so pretty. I bet the weather is delightful where you are. It's even been a little cooler here in Quincy this week. Happy fall!

    1. Yes, God does amazing work, doesn't He?
      I hope your weather continues to cool. Thank you so much for visiting!

  5. Things are looking great! And you've reminded me I want to try and save seeds, and it's about time to try and overwinter the geraniums - need to re-read the how-to. It's harvest time here too...the kitchen is a mess - every flat surface is covered with supplies, food, timers, jars, etc. Hoping to wrap up soon and give that kitchen a deep clean. (oh did I mention the two dozen eggs that "jumped" out of the fridge? One more icky mess to clean!) And so it goes...enjoy your weekend!

    1. Saving seeds is so rewarding. You'll always have something to look forward to planting!
      The mess is part of the process! It's all good...


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts!