Monday, October 14, 2013

Farm School Fall Series-Week Five

We're findin' our groove this week at Farm School.

We had a lovely day and accomplished quite a bit
during a picture-perfect morning.

First stop-tomatoes.
The flags indicate where fruit has been spied.
They are looking strong despite being visited by worms.
Every few days the lil' buggers are hand-picked off of the crops.

The various tomatoes that needed some pampering,
are doing much better 
and joined the Red Carribean papayas in full sun.

Lynn found 1,000 feet of extra groundcloth.
Guess what?
The garden is multiplying!
After all, we can't waste all that wonderful space, now can we?

The arugula is growing taller every week.

This lettuce is holding its own right now.
It's the first of the lettuces to get this far.
Good news for us!

The kohlrabi is hit-and-miss.
We planted what we had, but
Lynn needs to order more seed.

Radishes are sprouting upwards.
They will be ready for harvest very soon.

Wouldya look at this?!!!
The peas we sowed last week just made my heart sing.

We had a great germination rate
and not much reseeding will need to be done.

The older plants are reaching for the sky
and it's one week closer to having them on the table.

That's a whole mess of peas!
I just love visiting Peaville.

Eastern Black Swallowtails are here in droves.
(You can click on the picture to enlarge it.)
I brought home two full jars to offer up on Craig's list.
They can't stay at the farm
'cause they'll eat all the parsley and dill they can get their little hands on.

What a marvel.

We used plenty of the soil that we mixed up last week.
Good stuff, that.

We potted up Red Carribean papayas that will be brought
to the farmer's market
and Pioneer Day later in the month.

Ever seen a sausage tree?
Wild, isn't it?
We first talked about it here.

It's not edible, at least not for humans.
This species is indigenous to Africa.

This is a Yankee Magnolia.

It has delicate pastel petals
and a subtle sweet scent.

What am amazing beauty.

A burn pile was started to clean up some of the debris on the property.
Lynn calls the Division of Forestry to get a burn permit.
On days when the weather is not so calm,
a burn ban may be in effect.

So far, fall has been nothing less than spectacular.
The plants seem ready to show us their stuff.
It's only a matter of time before we're eatin' like kings (and queens).

  The Farm School posts start here.

monday's homestead barn hop

Tuesday Garden Party


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts!