Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hail to the Queen!


This is Queenie.
She came to us via a friend who was moving out west.
Her moniker came with her, and she was aptly named.
Queenie's personality was bigger than life.
She will be sorely missed.
Her sweet spirit floated up to the sky this week,
and I may never be the same.
Absolutely heartbroken.

She was always a leader in the flock,
although she would not use her position to stifle the other hens.
When we got that first group of chooks,
she was Gandalf's favorite girl.
That waned over time, and she took it in stride.

Queenie was the only one of our chooks
who would sit on the front porch 
and watch the world go by.
At least, until she spotted a grasshopper
or other tasty morsel in the grass.
Then she was johnny-on-the-spot
and quick as lightning to gobble it up.
She was a fierce forager.

When she first came to live with us,
she would follow me around quite a bit,
and would even peck me,
as if I were one of her crew.
Over the last year or two,
she was my digging partner.
Whenever there was shoveling to do,
she'd be right there,
just waiting to see what popped up!
That girl was slick!

She and Betty had become best buds.
Due to Betty's balance issues,
she had to be isolated from the other chooks.
(They mercilessly pick on anyone who is not in the best health.)
Betty was initially paired up with Ruby,
one of our comets who was often picked on by the others.
When Ruby passed, I put Queenie in with Betty,
so that she wouldn't be alone.
This worked out great,
because they were both older
and not that happy about Gandalf's still frequent advances.
So, we created an "assisted living" coop and run for them,
and they lived together for the last year or so,
happy as clams.

Here, Queenie is being less than generous,
keeping the new comfy resting spot for herself.
Betty holds no grudges.

So glad these two had some quality time together.
Betty seems to be adjusting,
although I sometimes wonder if she is looking for her buddy.

When the baby chicks were placed outside,
she was the only hen who appeared to be curious about them.
She sat next to their coop for the longest time.
I think she would have made a great momma.

 Queenie, my girl,
you were one in a million!
I hope we meet up again someday.
Rest in peace, little girl.


  1. I'm so sorry you lost Queenie. Chickens really can be such sweet companions to us. She sounds like a very special gal.

  2. I know this is hard...all the animals we share our lives with become part of the family. They all have different personalities and we become so attached to them. I love that she and Betty had their own "assisted living" spot...that was so nice of you to create for them. I'm sure Betty is missing her friend, a time for some extra TLC. And yes, I do think those sweet souls will meet with us again...I know I'm looking forward to it.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Queenie. I am a fellow chicken lover and have a small business called The Primitive Chicken Coop. As a child my sister and I raised chickens and my mom sold the eggs for us. We got to share the money! Anyway, raising chickens had a very profound affect on me. So much so that I gave my little business the name The Primitive Chicken Coop. Anyway with this said I would like to ask permission to use one of your pictures as a backdrop when I do my craft shows. Could you please let me know how you feel about this?

    1. Please contact me via email:

  4. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear of Queenie's passing. I just love this post - showcasing her personality. They are all so unique, aren't they? Sweet sweet memories. And I LOVE the assisted living coop. That is so incredible. Hugs to poor Betty losing another close friend.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss, Daisy. I loved reading about Queenie and the happy times you had together. This post is a beautiful tribute to her.

  6. Thank you all for your kind words. I know many of you have chooks and understand. Blessings...daisy


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