Friday, December 13, 2019

Garden Friday

 Welcome to Garden Friday
from the frozen Piedmont!
Believe it or not,
these pansies are still hanging in there,
despite an unusually frigid autumn.
Yes, it's still officially fall,
although you wouldn't guess it from the thermometer!

Today's post is simply something I wanted to pass along.
As someone who still marvels at all there is to know in this world,
I've found something that is instrumental in expanding one's knowledge
of all things plant related.
It's an app called,
and it is something I use habitually.

Once the app is loaded onto your phone,
(there's a small annual fee),
it's simply a matter of taking a photograph of the subject,
waiting just a few seconds, et


Enlightenment descends, as it lavishes copious amounts 
of knowledge into your brain.
The information answers questions about plant varieties,
related species, favored conditions, seasonal characteristics,
and much, much more.
There's not a week that goes by that I don't use it.

There is nothing better than a library full of
fantastic gardening tomes.
The beauty of this app is that it travels with you,
so if you are out and about,
not only can you identify something you're not sure of,
but it stores the information for you,
so that it can be referred to again and again.
Okay, I'll admit, I was probably the last person on the planet
to get a fancy phone.
But this app has been so much fun to use,
it's been worth succumbing to the trend.

We lit up the garden this week,
and are we loving it!

 We used bamboo stakes to form a tepee,
or Christmas tree shape, then added lights.
Upside-down tomato cages do a great job as well.

lights on the loofah trellis

The arches look fairly amazing
when it's black as pitch outside.
I hope to have more lights next year.

Do you light up your garden for the holidays? 


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts!