Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Maple Hill Hop 11

The recipient of the  
Cobble Hill Handcrafted Soap giveaway is Liz!
Congratulations!  You'll love the stuff!
Just email me your addy at naturegurl1111@gmail.com,
 and we'll get your goodies out to you!

Displaying maplehillgiveaway.jpg

Maple Hill Hop
The Maple Hill Hop is a little different today.
I'm recovering from a back injury and can't get around too well to take pix.
I added a post from last December to the Hop instead.
I hope you'll add your posts about all things outdoors!
We hope to be able to post again next week!


Remember to check in with Sue over at 
for her addition to the 
Christmas Cookie Tag Series!

Now, let's HOP!


  1. Oh no, so sorry about your back! I hope you feel better soon. Back pain is no joke!

    1. I'm taking it easy for the rest of the week. Enjoy your day!

  2. Congratulations to Liz!! Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway Daisy - I hope you're feeling better soon. Hugs to you.

  3. Oh man, that must be terrible about your back. You sort of need your back for everything you do!

    1. It's God's way of helping me focus on what's important. ;0)

  4. Thank you , thank you!!! Feel better soon! Such a bummer to have a bad back during the holiday season!

  5. I just received all of my goodies in the mail today!! I was so excited because it was like an extra present I forgot about. Oh my gosh I love, love each bar of soap! They smell heavenly!! I already used the lip balm. Love it too!!! Thank you for the winnings. I am going to do my next entry singing the praises! Thanks again!

    1. Whoo-hoo! Her products are fantastic! I use the lip balm daily. So happy for you!


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts!