Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Mundy House Craft Show


This weekend the weather was perfect for an indoor craft show.
One that we've been enjoying for a few years now
is the Christmas Market  hosted by
the Community Garden Club of Eastern Lincoln County and
The East Lincoln Historical Society.
The event is held at the historic Mundy House,
which is a restored farmhouse from the 1800's.
You can read more about the house and garden here.

The fair offered a wonderful display of handcrafted items
from local artists.
This booth held delightful figurines and holiday decor
by Squirrel's Nest.
Joni Prew is the creator and she can be reached at
704-779-6263 or jprew@bellsouth.net.

These gorgeous hand painted silk scarves are a labor of love.
Nancy Zethof explained the process to me, and I was astounded
at the time commitment required to fashion these one of a kind scarves.
Each masterpiece is oh-so soft and would enhance any outfit.
If you're looking for a truly custom gift idea,
contact Nancy at 704-777-3617 or gmae3993@gmail.com.

Bobbie Black has a wide selection of beautifully hand made pottery.
Her creativity shines in every piece she creates.
Please feel free to visit her website here.
You might find something you can't live without!

The best surprise of the morning awaited me at the next booth.
Big K and I were admiring these festive items and noticed
that many of the components had been upcycled.
Right up our alley, right?
We came to find out that the gentleman responsible for these whimsical pieces,
is our straw provider.
He lives a few miles from our home and is a humble farmer.
Who knew he had such an amazing gift for art?
Mr. Emmet and Mrs. Poole can be reached at 704-735-1033.

Another building on the property showcased holiday decor
fashioned by the volunteers from the garden club and historical society.
These items were constructed of mostly found articles on the property.

What a wonderful way to spend a cold, autumn morning
while supporting the local community.
This is one of my favorite craft shows,
and there is always something sure to please.

Who doesn't love a handmade gift?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Wishes


Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. 


Blessings to you and yours!

Friday, November 17, 2023

Garden Friday


Welcome to Garden Friday!
Our weather has been absolutely spectacular,
with daytime temperatures in the 60's and 70's.
We're hoping for a bit of rain early next week,
we sure could use it.
We have a burn ban in over 30 counties in NC,
and some folks are having trouble with wells being dry.
I think one of the reasons we've had such brilliant autumn color
is because of the lack of precipitation.
As much as I love the seasonal palette,
I'd rather have the rain!

The garden has been bundled up for a while,
and the brassicas have been safe from the coldest nights,
as well as wandering chooks.
The pansies that grow in the washtub
add a bit of color to the landscape.
The raised beds will be rearranged this winter,
creating a more cohesive design (hopefully).

After a Master Gardener session on propagation,
cuttings were taken from Autumn Sedum
for next spring's plant sale.
We are trying a new technique
to raise money for the Master Gardener program.
The members will be growing seedlings
or taking cuttings from their own gardens
to sell at the event.

Also started a few weeks ago,
were kale and lettuce seedlings using the winter sowing method.
Some were recently transplanted to garden beds.
That'll keep me in greens for a few months.

Seeds continue to be saved.
This is the seed pod from the black-eyed Susan vine.
They were left to dry out on the stems before harvesting.

Seeds will be one of the items for sale
at the fundraiser.
I enjoy this vine every summer,
and will continue to harvest seed to ensure
that it's always in my garden.

Some progress was made on the woodchip pile.
C helped me by driving the trailer behind
the lawnmower to move the chips where
they were needed.
There should still be enough to spread
throughout the winter in order to establish 
a few new planting areas.

Thankfully, the lettuce that was purchased as seedlings
is still coming in,
and we are able to enjoy their fresh, crisp leaves
right from the raised beds.

Earlier this week, the asparagus was cut back
 and I will be adding compost for next season.
It's always such a treat to be able to sample
fresh asparagus in the springtime.

Our mild autumn weather has given me the luxury
of spending ample time in the garden.
What a blessing.

How's your autumn garden doing?

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Birthday Wishes


Happy Birthday Boo!
You are loved more than you know!
Twenty-three years sure goes quickly.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Going Local-The Bradford Market


A couple of weeks ago,
sister and I ventured to a new
"off-the-beaten path" place.
Another friend had mentioned it in passing,
but it sounded right up our alley,
so we decided to visit.
It turned out to be only minutes
from sister's home in Concord.
The Bradford Market has been in business
for over 100 years.
They proudly carry only local products
of the highest quality.
This includes homemade items from local artisans,
farmers and small businesses.

This building, which houses the bookstore,
is a cabin that surely must have seen many changes.

Shelves of books,
as well as locally made soaps, lotions and
other toiletry items were found
in this quaint little lodge.
On the day we visited,
the weather was quite lovely,
but couldn't you just imagine a roaring fire
warming customers as they perused titles?

The grounds are also home to a beautiful
garden, where one can stroll,
or enjoy a meal at one of the picnic tables.
A plan has been made to return when spring flowers
will be bursting forth with fresh blossoms.
We picked up a few plants from the nursery section
of the market.

There were so many unique items on display,
and sister and I both agree that we want
to return again and again
to support this local business.
The produce looked amazingly fresh 
and the bread and sweets had us drooling.

Another fabulous find
here in Central North Carolina.
It was wonderful to be able to venture out again
after several years of restricted outings.
And getting to spend the day with one of my favorite people,
what a blessing.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Garden Friday


Welcome back to Garden Friday.
The weather this week has traversed
from summer to winter temperatures,
but by the weekend, things should settle down.
Our first wicked freeze happened on Wednesday night,
with temps dipping down to 24 degrees.

The Romaine lettuce has been looking delectable,
and here's hoping that the covers placed over the bed
have saved them from any harm.
The brassicas in two other beds should be fine.

Not sure if it's easy to see here,
but the garlic has popped up in the grow bags.
This is the first time I'm using this tool for this crop,
although we have an entire 3X8 bed planted elsewhere with this staple.


Earlier this week,
we did away with the center crepe myrtle in this bed.
The dogwood to the left and the other crepe myrtle
to the right will be much happier to have some space.
The center of the bed can be filled with perennials
that love an abundance of sunshine.


The rue that was planted just under this tree
has been left intact and is showing signs of growing.
This is one of the host plants for the
black swallowtail caterpillars.

This tower of black-eyed susan vine
will be history after the freeze yesterday morning.
Ah well, it gave us many weeks of beauty
and seed was saved for next year's blooms.

The cotton fields are becoming engorged with
this miraculous crop.
It's just fascinating to me that we can grow the makings of the fabric
that fills up so many rooms and closets in our homes.
I'm a thrift shopper,
and have focused on purchasing only natural fibers for my wardrobe.
Cotton, linen and wool are always my first choices.

A little while back,
I entered a photo contest sponsored by our
local electric co-op.
One of my pictures was chosen to be published
in their monthly magazine,
and they paid me $25 to boot!
This month they are looking for shots
that capture the essence of North Carolina.
This is the photo I will most likely enter.
The intention for me is to connect with my subject,
and hopefully bring joy to others.
I enjoy taking pictures and feel
that it helps me engage more fully
in my surroundings.

(Well, I made it through my first post 
with the new computer.
Thankfully, some of the issues I was having
with the blog have been resolved.
Bear with me as I get the hang of this thing.
Me and technical tools don't always see eye to eye.)

Hope your weekend
is just how you like it.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023